Alan, Shelley & Ella

Alan, Shelley & Ella

Monday, July 31, 2006

Night before the move

We are packed and ready to go for the move, it is hard to believe that the time has come. We had a few friends drop by to visit. Denver helped to fix one of our screens Shelley broke when she was locked out trying to get in; I am sure he saved us a few bucks in fines. Chris and Elizabeth stopped by in the evening to say goodbye. Now I am left to blog at 11:30 at night since it is my only outlet for the moment - no other entertainment really exists for the moment. I have been researching computer prices for the past month in hopes of aquiring one for my birthday in August. I just read an article tonight saying that computer prices are expected to fall any day now due to the recent slash in prices for processors by both the AMD and Intel camps. (Perfect Storm Brews for PC Buyers) I think I will hold off to see if this holds true, but I am really becoming anxious to replace my desktop that struggles to do most ordinary tasks - ie browing the web while listening to music from itunes. I am hoping to have the internet set up in our new place in the next few days so until then - happy blogging.


Hollie said...

Hey, did you guy get there in time for the 90 mile per wind storm?

Alan and Shelley said...

sorry for the delayed respone- but we received a warning from Shelley's brother in Provo allowing us to take a little longer eating lunch. We managed to miss the storm but we saw the aftermath.