Alan, Shelley & Ella

Alan, Shelley & Ella

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Al's Mom Marilyn carved this mummy pumpkin. It turned out great and added to our whole pyramid theme.
I did King Tut's face. It looked pretty cool in the night!
This is Al and I inside the entrance of one of our pyramid's. The pyramid's I created by getting huge sheets of cardboard from Lowe's, cutting them out, spray painting them gold, and then painting them with black paint. It was actually quite fun! Al's Mom, Marilyn was such a great help. She help me put them together so that they would stand on their own.
Our neighbor's the Kau's went and bought some creepy live critters for display such as: crickets, worms and a live mouse. They also bought some dry ice for the creepy effect.

Here I am at work creating hieroglyphics for the entrance inside the first pyramid. This was quite fun too!Marilyn bought me this creepy looking spider at Wal-mart. They were actually pretty cute spiders. In the background is Johnson in hieroglyphics.

Here is the entrance of the pyramid leading into the creepy tunnel of doom.

Here is a picture of what our place looked like during the day. Our townhome is on the right! Halloween was sure fun! We maybe had 75-100 trick or treaters and some were repeats. I bought so much candy and only half of it was gone. I guess it's a good thing because now I have some for myself and I won't feel so bad when someday I will have to still my own kid's trick or treating candy!


Sarah said...

Wow, what a lot of work!! You are so creative! I bet the neighbor kids loved it!


That turned out so great! Now I can SEE why your students loved you! You have such an imagination! Good JOB!

HILL HESS said...

You are so amazing! I wish we could have come to trick or treat at your house!

Megan said...

That is so awesome! Who goes that all out?? You are martha stewart!