2. I love how when you tell her to be quiet, or tell her to "shhhhh" she laughs and thinks it's funny. I don't know where she learns that either.
3. She loves her Mommy and Daddy. When Alan is holding her she is always watching me and when I am holding her she is always watching Daddy.
4. I love how when you start laughing really hard she does too and then we play a laughing game!
5. I love how when you stick your tongue at her and blow she copies you and does it back with much more spit!
6. I love how when she gets really tired she gets louder and blows her tongue at you. It's really funny!
7. I love how she thinks my neighbors kids are so funny. Or any baby is funny to her. She loves little babies her same age! She will just sit and stare at them!
8. I love how when Daddy throws her up in the air it makes her laugh, but scares the heck out of me!
9. I love it when she takes a good nap, like she is right now. She has been sleeping for almost 2 hours. I get so much done!
10. I love it when Mommy sings through out the day that she thinks I am funny because I make up all my silly songs and sing them to her, while dancing!
11. I love how she is such a social bug and is usually really good when she is around people. She must get that from her Daddy!
12. Most of all we are so lucky to be her parents. She is such a blessing in our home! We love her so much!
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