Alan, Shelley & Ella

Alan, Shelley & Ella

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Ella with her Easter Bunny Ears and her Easter Basket. She got a huge slinky, little people figurines, bubbles, bouncy ball, sesame street books, and the movie Tangled. She was so excited to see what the bunny left for her.
Here she is with her movie Tangled. She can't wait to watch it. She loved watching it at Grandma Johnson's.
Our sweet Ella laughing.

So since the Easter Bunny can't bring Ella candy, he brought her toys instead. He is so nice and must really love her! Here she is wearing her Easter Bunny ears and holding her bouncy ball.

I thought this was so cute, the way she is holding her Little People Figurines.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh my gosh! That is so adorable! Those ears are my favorite! She looks so cute and I can't believe she isn't trying to pull them off. We miss you guys!