Alan, Shelley & Ella

Alan, Shelley & Ella

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ella being so big!

Ella woke up from her nap a week ago and was caught standing up in her crib. This is her new thing. She loves pulling her self up on things and has no fear. I wonder where she gets its. Her favorite thing is to stand and cry at her crib until you come and get her. When she sees you coming in to get her she has the biggest grin on her face. We play this game at least 6 or 7 times for naps and bed time until she finally lays down and goes to sleep. Silly Kid!

Any time you eat anything Ella has to insist in having a nibble. She licks her lips continuously until you give her some. So Daddy gave her some of his ice cream drumstick. She fell in love.

Well and lets just say, that it became hers! Silly kid, she loves ice cream! I keep trying to give her those go-gurts, she is too smart and knows that it's not the same as vanilla ice cream.

Her new favorite thing is to pull her self up from the entertainment center and watch the television. She loves her Baby Einstein.
Here's a back shot of her. She is so fun to be around!

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