Alan, Shelley & Ella

Alan, Shelley & Ella

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ella loves to get into things!

We love our sweet Ella. She is at the stage of wanting to get into everything. She is very curious! She doesn't care so much about her toys anymore or playing with them. She cares about what's lying around the house, that she can play with. We love her though, she is such a joy in our lives. She is inside the cricut box that I just received in the mail from my Mom as an early Christmas present. Thank you Mom, it works very nicely, but now I need to play with it.
Ella climbed onto the door of the dishwasher and loves to pull out the silverware and play with it. She mostly just grabs her utensils that we feed her with sometimes.
Ella climbed inside the clean laundry basket of white clothes.
Ella finding Daddy's wallet and managed to open it up and pull out his money. This kid is hilarious. I had to get a picture of this, it just goes to show how poor we are when all he has is ones in his wallet. Haha! Maybe someday their will be 100 dollar bills. j/k!

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