Alan, Shelley & Ella

Alan, Shelley & Ella

Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Anniversary

Yesterday, Shelley and I celebrated 4 years of being married! We did it without much fanfare - a dinner out and then a little shopping. We are hoping to do some fun stuff once the school year ends for Shelley which happens on Tuesday.


HILL HESS said...

Happy Anniversary!

Erin & Danny said...

Hi Alan! Erin (Barr) Packard here. I created a group on Facebook. "The Old School St. Louis South Stake Crew," as a means for all of us to keep in touch. There is even a reunion in the works for Oct 09. I hope you will join the group so we can all catch up and I hope you are doing great!Please pass this on to any other family members not yet in the group as well.