We spent the Labor Day weekend in Island Park, Idaho. Here is a picture of us out on the reservoir up there. The temperatures were mild on Saturday and Sunday, but took a dive toward cold Sunday night - we even saw sleet for a few minutes.

My attempt at wakeboarding (the wetsuit is a little on the small size, but it was better then jumping into the water):

How my attempt looked about a second later - yeah this one hurt.

We took some video that we looked at during lunch to see what I needed to change. I tried it a few more times later in the day with little success and then we went out one last time during the twilight hours. I went last which meant it was pretty much dark and after two more nearly successful attempts that ended up failures, I managed to stay up. I felt pretty good about it and can't wait to try it again.
The craziest part of the trip was sacrament meeting - there was over 900 people in attendence 4 preists, 12 deacons (each carrying two trays), and water trays stacked three high. People were everywhere: gym, hallways, classrooms, even listening on the loudspeakers they have set up outside the building. This was by far the largest sacrament meeting I had ever attended. The afternoon meeting is only sacrament and meets from memorial day to labor day; theree men are called to run the meeting. The usual ward meets in the morning and had an attendence of 1300 - they politely ask visitors not to stay (can you imagine the nursery if they didn't). They also have an auxilary building called the A-frame that displays a video feed from the sacrament meeting. It was used in the morning but not during our meeting. A majority of the people attending come up for the summer, but it is especially bad on the big holiday weekends.
What a fun weekend! I found your blog on our cousins blog, so thought I would check it out! Looks like you have been having fun! Sarah (Hess) Anthony
Looks like a blast!
You guys are always doing such fun things! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!!
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